5-Axis CNC Machining
FFC is a full service facility with the latest 5 - Axis machining centers for advanced composites. We offer the ability to mill highly sophisticated jobs that require stringent tolerances.
The Poseidon is a high-speed machining center with 5 interpolated axes, specifically designed for high speed machining of large aluminum and light alloy pieces, composite materials, impregnated fibers, sand-based, and wood-based materials. Machining area from 2600 x 2500 mm to 6200 x 31000 mm Z = 1300 - 2000 - 2500 mm
This machine is capable of rapid speeds of up to 85 m/min, allowing it to move quickly across its large work area.
The Multicam 5000 is our shop workhorse. It is equipped with an HSD 10 Kw spindle, a drag knife, and an oscillating knife with vacuum hold-down spanning the entire machining area.
With its three cutting heads, this machine is capable of tackling a wide range of projects, from cutting composite panels (solid carbon inserts, to large balsa core backing structure panels), 3-Axis direct female molds or plugs, to prepreg and dry fiber carbon ply cutting. Machining area: X = 9,000mm, Y = 2,400mm, Z clearance = 400mm.
ARES 4818 cutting wheel components.
The Ares Machining Center is an extremely capable large format 5-Axis head-head CNC machine. The Ares monobloc structure allows for a large machining area without sacrificing rigidity or accuracy.
This machine is capable of rapid speeds of up to 80,000 mm/min, allowing it to move quickly across its large work area. Partnered with the ability to work in dual pendular work zones with up to five work offsets. The Ares can be used to accomplish any mold making or part trimming task quickly and efficiently.
Our machine is also equipped with Renishaw RMP600 radio probe. This system reads the precise position of the piece to be machined to assist in the positioning of stock or repositioning of a fixture or tool. It can also be used to check critical dimensions of molds or re-machined parts. Machining area: X = 4,800mm Y = 1,800mm Z = 1,200mm, B: +/- 120°, C: +/- 270°
Vacuum hold down work table: 4,870mm x 1,555mm